AdWords Recommends Separate Mobile Targeted Campaigns

I sat through a seminar this past week that I found very interesting. It was done by Jason Woods from Google AdWords on Mobile Specific Programs.

Here are a few important points that I gleaned from the seminar that I wanted to share with you:

  1. Google AdWords is recommending that businesses do breakout campaigns to target just high end mobile phones and tablets. Although Jason Woods recommend that tablets be put into the desktop and laptop campaigns I don’t agree with that focus just yet. I’ll expound on that issue later.
  2. Google AdWords is recommending more general keywords in this program due to the types of keywords mobile users will type in.

Here are some of my comments and recommendations that I have seen from client accounts we are already managing that have separate mobile/tablet campaigns.

1. The click cost is typically less, but so are the conversions and activity. But don’t think you shouldn’t do a separate mobile program for these reasons, just alter your budget and click cost accordingly and watch your cost per conversion. So far we’ve have good results for clients in the mobile and tablet arena.

2. I don’t necessarily agree with putting tablets into the desktop campaign. I base this on my observation of tablet users. Most tablet users I’ve seen are using cell phone access to the web, meaning that they are out and about and are using access to the web via Sprint, Verizon or some other service. Although most tablets will connect to wireless networks, the fun of a tablet is to access information anywhere not just where you find a hot spot. Now this may change as more and more mobile service providers reign in big data users, but at this time make your own decision based on what you and your client see. For you, you may want to put tablets in with your desktop program.

It is easy to see if you should try a mobile specific program now by logging in to AdWords, go to your campaign tab, select the segment drop down, then click network. Google will show you the number of clicks and conversions that have come from mobile devices with full browsers and tablets with full browsers. Base your decision to do a breakout program from this data.

If you are looking for a savvy Google AdWords account manager, I would be glad to chat with you about your Google AdWords needs (301-705-7303) or I invite you to visit our AdWords account management services page for our programs and pricing.