What’s With WordPress Hacks Lately?

Lock Out the Bad Guys From Accessing Your Blog.
Lock Out the Bad Guys From Accessing Your Blog.

What’s with WordPress lately? My firm manages a number of client blogs and writes for many more, in the last month I have found a number of blogsites that are undergoing repeated entry attempts by robots. Fortunately for our client sites, we lock them out the bad guys and monitor WordPress files using three great apps.

Login Lockdown
I like this very simple login app. You can set lockout time frames and you are not pestered with repeated messages.

WordPress File Monitor
I like this plug-in as well as it does not inundate you with messages, but let’s you know when files have changed at WordPress by email. For many client sites, we are monitoring the logins and access. It helps to keep the blog secure and hack-free.

Sucuri Monitoring
After you’ve been hacked once you’ll want to make sure that you are using this plugin that has many more features and will let you know each and every single action on WordPress. Clients quickly feel overwhelmed with the message traffic, but sometimes you’ll want to know each and every login attempt to see a pattern and to see if the hackers are getting close to figuring out your user name. Although you can lower the number of messages, for sites that are undergoing aggressive entry tactics, I recommend watching everything. Remediation can be costly so it helps to know what is happening to jump in and do updates immediately if needed.

I’ve personally found that if you have used admin as a user name and then a simple password, you may already have been hacked and should login to see what is going on as well as take moment to create a secure letter and number, plus character password for WordPress.

There are some bad guys out there testing many WordPress sites or blogs, looking to see who has not properly secured their site to break in and then use the site to spew out spammy links.

If you are tired of watching your own site, we do offer monthly blogmaster services and monitoring if you need it for $30 a month. Find out more about our blogmaster and webmaster services.