Why Blogging Still Matters for SEO Purposes

Take off your "rose-colored glasses"!
Take off your “rose-colored glasses”. Blogging does matter for site placement.

Blogging has recently seemed to fallen out of favor with small business owners and I think that it is unfortunately due to a misperception of what blogging is and does for a business website.

Here’s why I personally feel that blogging is still very important for SEO purposes:

1. For on-domain blogs, search engines will consider each new blog post as a new page to the parent website – building authority.

2. For on-domain blogs, new blog posts for search engines = fresh new content; encouraging search spiderbots back more frequently.

3. Blog content, when well written, can keep readers on your website longer which gives your site stickiness. As Google is tracking everything on your site including time on your site, stickiness is important.

4. Blog posts that have titles crafted as questions may place in the top search results and be an avenue that prospects use to initially enter your website.

5. Sharing your blog posts on social media will also drive inbound traffic to your site; where readers will follow links from blog posts into website content. Without something strong to point to in social media your posts simply become spammy background noise to others instead of something informational and of value.

What I hear from  prospects is that they believe that blogging is only about content creation and is fine when used at a frequency of only once a month if at that. However, the key to having blogging work for you as an SEO tool is to blog with a greater frequency. (I personally like the content that is created on a three time a week frequency, but understand that for budgets sometimes once or twice a week is the max that can be afforded.) I never recommend blogging less than once a week for any type of SEO results.

For those that blog once a month or twice a month, they will never realized the benefits that regular and more frequent blogging provides as  an inbound marketing strategy. They will continue to feel that blogging is not valuable while their competition is blogging more frequently and building authoritative content faster and placing better in Google.

To find out more about our blogging program, please visit our website for pricing and content samples.