Will Blog Post Titles as Questions Place Organically?

Wow, blogging is still practical for SEO!
Wow, blogging is still practical for SEO!

Want to crack the top ten sites in your industry? Get blogging and craft your blog posts as questions. It can’t be just any question, but as you decide what you will write about for the month, think about what prospects may use to do searches with to find your services.

If we took my industry as an example, here might be a few good post titles to get you thinking about how to make post title questions:

Will blog post titles as questions place organically?

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Some of these topics I have actually written about and when they are shared on Google+, at least for my business, they are appearing in the search results tagged with my Google+ page. If you follow me or my business on Google+ these same blog posts may appear in your search results next to an image of me.

Blogging is still a very popular way to garner inbound links naturally, but business owners have lately decided that blogging is not valuable for their needs. If you ask any SEO or visibility experts such as myself, we feel that blogging is still highly valuable as part of an overall marketing strategy.

Need to get blogging without the headaches? We can help. Check out pricing and blog writing samples.