Blogging: Have It Your Way!

Man having an idea!
Blog writing, get it your way!

Don’t like to write your own blogs, but don’t want to pay a lot for your content either? Are freelance posting sites too hard to manage? Do you simply need better quality and a real person to talk to for a strategy?

Welcome to McCord Web Services! We have a blog writing program that allows you to build a project your way.

1. Select from four different word count ranges.

2. Choose your weekly frequency. There is no price penalty if you only want one post a week. Ask us if you need a lesser frequency.

3. Decide if you want the blog post installed for you in WordPress for $5 a post or you want to save money and get the posts for your own use as a Word document.

4. Do you want to save money and add your own blog post image? Go ahead. Or if you want turnkey service for $7 we’ll buy a one-time use image from iStockPhoto or DepositPhoto and install it for you.

You build your own program based on your needs and your budget. Find out more about this business-friendly blog writing program and read content samples today.

Is Your Website Like a VHS Tape?

Take off your "rose-colored glasses"!
Take off your “rose-colored glasses”!

Sure, you remember VHS tapes, don’t you? Even my teens remember watching Pokémon video tapes from the library. But try to find a VHS tape for sale at the store or even a VHS player and you’re simply out of luck. This is exactly where some websites will be in the very near future.

I recently spoke to a client about a responsive website redesign and his comment was “it looks good to me on my phone”. Another said “as long as I can see it on my iPad and desktop, I’m fine.” What both don’t realize is that they should not be designing for their own technology use, but for Google and the world. So the question to ask now is, “Is your website like a VHS tape?”

Here are the questions you should ask yourself:

1. Am I planning for the future? If I do not upgrade my website this next year will browsers and smartphones still be able to see my site? Will my site appear broken for those users?

2. Will my site still be found in the search indexes if I do not upgrade my technology? Google has already stated that it will be filtering out of the mobile search space after April 21, 2015 websites that are not mobile-friendly. Where will your site place in one year? How about two years?

3. How much of my current traffic is from smartphones and tablets. If it is over 50% and I do not have a mobile friendly site, how will users find me?

4. If I advertise on Google AdWords and my website is not mobile-friendly will Google stop showing my ads to this important and growing market?

It makes perfect sense to do nothing with your old website if you are retiring this next year, but if you are still counting on your website to bring in leads and traffic now and in the future, you would be wise to be moving forward by moving to  a new responsive website. Don’t look at your website from your own technology considerations. it is time to take off your rose-colored glasses and see your website the way others AND Google see it.



How to Solve an Email Spam Problem on Your Android Phone

A Bright Idea that Tames Smartphone Email Spam
A Bright Idea that Tames Smartphone Email Spam

I have many email accounts for my business and each one has a certain use. One is tied to client blogs, one is tied to my AdWords pro center and all my AdWords clients, one is purely for personal use, and others are for certain business sectors. So when I access email on my smartphone I have had a serious email spam problem.

At first, I tried a subscription to SpamDrain. But, I found that my personal email could never be viewed on my smartphone for some weird connection issue. I could see an email for 2 seconds and it would disappear. Also sometimes emails that were really important were caught in the SpamDrain filter and I had to go daily to look to be sure I had gotten my mail; very annoying and problematic to say the least. I just felt that there had to be a better way to control the spam on my phone and be able to have full access to my email.

I have found a solution that is free that is now working for me and may be the solution for you – the unified inbox!

What I did to solve my problem, was to set up a free email address and then link all my email addresses to that one account. I even forwarded my GMail account there after a filter to block out the Google+ communication “spam”. Now, even for POP3 accounts, I can press and hold an email and add the address or domain to my phone’s own spam filter controlling what I see the next time around.

I have to say I have gone from unmanageable levels of email down to reasonable and emails that I want to see. This one little change has tamed my own smartphone email issue. I know that Microsoft has purchased Accompli, which I have tried before and liked, which is very similar to Inbox for GMail. So I look for even more productivity from my unified inbox in the very near future.

Five Productivity Tips for Your Work Day

Nancy McCord
Nancy McCord – my tips for productivity improvement.

I am an avid reader and have am currently working my way through this book “Level Up Your Day – How to Maximize the 6 Essential Areas of Your Routine” by S.J. Scott and Rebecca Livermore. I have changed my entire work and exercise schedule and am now feeling much more productive, on task, and energized throughout the day.

Here are the simple things that I have done to improve my own productivity:

1. I no longer workout in the morning. This hour was stealing time from my work day and setting my seriously back in my schedule. After breakfast I now get ready and get right to work. I can blaze through my schedule with laser beam focus. I moved my workout to 7:00 pm on my own time. I found my workout was taking a spot when I was at peak energy and focus throwing off my rhythm for the day.

2. I screen nearly all of my calls when I am working on a intense project. Even if my phone rings, I force myself to stay on task to finish as I found the interruptions of calls set my attention back; particularly when I had to really use brain power to analyze a trend as part of a report.

3. I started using Calendly for my conference call scheduling. I will typically have 20 or more calls a month and the back and forth via email along with client’s missing calls was really squelching my productivity. Now I let my clients choose when they want to chat based on their schedule. I even opened my schedule up to some evening calls in order to be more responsive. Calendly does the work of reminding the client and even shows the appointments in their own time zone. The app will even remind them of the upcoming calls on the schedule I choose and automatically adds the appointments to my Google Calendar which syncs to Outlook and my devices.

4. I now review my calendar at the end of every day, assessing what went right and what went wrong. Then, I plan and print out my schedule for the next day, after I have made adjustments from what I have learned. I have learned that I do not need as much time as I booked in my calendar for certain tasks and that there are some things that I should not do, but rather task my assistant to do to be more productive and profitable.

5. I shrunk and moved my planning time to late in the afternoon on Monday and Friday. As the tasks I do in these categories do not require intense brain power, I can be winding down or tired from my day and still be able to make a good decision. I do my blog writing for the week in this time and several other social media functions. Now I don’t feel pressured or that I have to work on the weekend to stay caught up. I just balanced my workload better over the times when I am working at the highest energy levels.

You may want to check out the book I mentioned too. There are great tips, some I have not tried such as meal planning which I actually think may make my personal and family time more productive. Thanks S.J. Scott and Rebecca Livermore, I am enjoying your book and changing my work habits with it!