Helping Your Team Achieve Success

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Helping Your Team to Success Starts with Listening to How Problems Happen

My kids and husband help me with my business along with 7 professional writers. Sometimes even the very best planning cannot account for things that come up.

Although we have had some internal scheduling challenges in November and December this year, our team is dedicated to success.

My approach to handling problems is to look at them without criticism and blaming and ask – “what can we do better?”

I have found that in challenging situations, personal conferences are better than a team meeting ;as no one wants to feel singled out or made to feel inadequate when compared to other team members.

What has come out of one of my three meetings so far is that we should order our blog posts farther ahead to allow for more time for post installation and no last minute installations.

Additionally, we developed a plan to have a second library of all of our social media projects so that our editors and writers do not work under pressured deadlines.

I have personally found that by relieving the pressure of deadlines in my business that my team works better and is able to achieve their personal success goals. Happier staff means better retention and increased productivity.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from McCord Web Services - our family to yours.
Merry Christmas from McCord Web Services – our family to yours.

The staff at McCord Web Services wishes you a Merry Christmas today.

May you day be filled with laughter, good food, great company, and good friends.

We are closed today, but will be open tomorrow.