Easy Collaboration with Google Drive.

Nancy McCord
Nancy McCord – our resident expert on all things digital.

Written instructions to match our Try It Friday video on Google Drive collaboration.

To get started you’ll want to have a Google account and download Google Drive. https://www.google.com/drive/download/. Then follow the steps to install Google Drive. On installation, Google will add a link to Google Drive in your File Tree accessed through Windows Explorer.

You can also visit and view all Google Drive files online as well.

To start collaboration, load a file or photos into a folder in your Google Drive on your desktop that you want to share. Then go to your Google Drive account online.

Right click on the folder or file and then add an email address (must also be a Google account) to share the file. Give this new person rights to edit or just view the files.

The person you are sharing with will receive and email invitation. If they have Google Drive, this new file will now appear in their shared folder in Google Drive. If they do not have Google Drive, they will want to download the application as well unless they only want online access.

Once they accept to view the file for you to see any change they make and for them to see the file on their desktop offline, they need to drag the shared folder or file into their own “My Drive” folder in Google Drive.

Once that important step is done, any change they make you will be able to see. Plus by adding it to their own My Drive folder, now the file is downloaded to their own file tree and into the Google Drive folder on their desktop.

It’s super fast and easy to collaborate on files.

What could you do with Google Drive collaboration?

  1. Collaborate with teams.
  2. Share photos with college students away from home.
  3. Share files and folders with family members.
  4. Share files, photos, and folders with friends.
  5. Plan your next family reunion and keep everyone in the loop.

Watch the video: http://www.mccordweb.com/video/index.php

Try It Friday – Evernote Quick Start

My Try It Friday video blog for today is a quick start guide for Evernote.

I had trouble getting started with Evernote. I simply did not have the time to read and understand how to get going; yet I wanted to use it as it has had great reviews and I got a free Premium Subscription from being a Wall Street Journal subscriber.

I felt that I needed a “stupid person” guide to getting started with Evernote; hence my video.  You may be just like me, too busy to figure it out but ready to try out Evernote, this video will get you started fast!

In preparing to make this video, I finally took the time to figure out how to create notes where Evernote transcribes my voice into a note that I can then email to myself or arrange in notebooks. This feature is unique. Even your smartphone or virtual assistant can’t replicate this feature. It is one of the best reasons for getting started with Evernote.

I have used this feature (speech to text) to create topics for blog posts as I read the newspaper, create lists for staff, or details of conversations I have had with a customer. Then I’ve used Evernote to store these notes in the Cloud – accessible from any of my devices. I even use Evernote to email me my own notes to add to a spreadsheet or further massage for other uses.

This video makes it super easy to get started with Evernote. After you do, then go to YouTube and watch more advanced videos on how to create Notebooks and use collaboration tools found in the Premium Subscription.

I am not being paid by Evernote. I just figured it out and wanted to share how to get started fast with this terrific application.

Evernote at Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.evernote&hl=en

Evernote at the App Store at iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/evernote/id281796108?mt=8