The Truth on Linking From Forums and Other Blogs

Okay, it used to be a great SEO technique to actively and aggressively link to your fledgling blogsite or website on other blogs or forums. You could get quality one way inbound links using this not talked about much technique. It was very workable. Mind that I said WAS.

Now, that technique is passé with Google’s Blogger, Typepad, and some WordPress sites automatically inserting a “nofollow” tag in any link left in comments. You simply cannot get the search engine capital you used to be able to get with blog commenting or forum posting.

There are still some sites that don’t have the no follow tag installed and for these sites you can still build capital with great comments and then a link back to your website. So how do you know which sites this technique will work on and which it will not?

Go to a site you think if a good match for authority for your site or blog. Go to a post that has a comment. If there are non, leave one yourself and then go back to the page where you comment appears. Right click anywhere on the page and then select view source. Notepad will open, using the Find feature go to a word in your comment and then go to your actual link. The link source code will have this in it. <a href=””>Your text</a>. If you see inside the a href a nofollow or external nofollow tag, you will never get organic capital from this site. If you do not see the no follow tag, better book mark this site and come back to comment often and frequently.

Now one thing about commenting. Most site and forum owners have ways to ban you or delete your comments. So, don’t be a spammer! Say something insightful about the blog post not “great post, I am bookmarking your site.” Spammers do that, actually leave something of value, a tip, a trick, another link, but always insert a link to your blog or website to deep content and include your full in that format to your website or blog in your signature block.

You can still get links and great search engine capital from forum or blog comment posting, you just have to be more careful about where you go to invest your time.