Our Kids – Generation Text and How To Deal With Them

I am reading an excellent book right now called Generation Text Raising Well-Adjusted Kids in an Age of Instant Everything by Dr. Michael Osit. I have to say that I clearly see my 19 year old college student and triplet 11 year olds as being Generation Text kids. This book “speaks” to me on many different levels as I try to be the very best Mom that I can be.

The book is excellent and if you as a parent and have ever had issues with your kids not getting off the computer when you tell them, kids performing under their real capability in school, and issues with kids being too connected to games and cell phones at the expense of real world activities, this is a book that you really must read.

My kids hate that I am reading it as I am using many of the no-nonsense practical tips for parents that so far for me are really working. I don’t review many books in my blog, although I am an avid reader, but this book really stands out as a winner.

Dr. Michael Osit give such insight into Generation Text kids and the issues that we as parents have raising them that you would think that the book was written just for you and your family in mind. One concrete thing that I have done to help my own kids breakout of the Generation Text entitlement mentality is to institute a schedule of daily activities for my younger kids, and to help my older kid with real lessons in time management and a procedure on how to push yourself to performance not mediocrity.

So far the entire family has bought in to these new concepts as a team embracing the change. As a result of the new schedule and better time management, my house has never looked so clean and my kids so happy. In fact, homework and music practice was even done before dinner without a struggle!

If you are like my family and you struggle with kids pushing the limits to game constantly either on Fiesta, video games, or DS Games, the chores never seem to get done – as playtime has taken over work time, or your kids seem to just be surfing through school without understanding that a C is not okay in the grand scheme of things, then this is the book that you have been waiting for.

I have linked the title of the book in this post to Amazon so you can check it out. I am not being paid to review the book nor have an affiliate link tied to the Amazon link – I get nothing for recommending the book to you. I just think that you would strongly benefit from reading it if you have kids from age 10 to 20 years of age.

MySpace Vs Facebook

MySpace is a favorite for most high school kids. I was there once but now that I am in college I seem to use MySpace less and less and spend most of my time on Facebook. I used to like MySpace because you could have a fancy background and put your favorite songs on your page.

As I have come to see, it is MySpace that’s struggling to keep up with Facebook, especially in the games and application department. Facebook has always had games and cool features, but when I first made an account on Facebook back in the 11th grade I found it to be more complicated and confusing and stuck with Myspace. But I could only notice that less and less of my friends were using MySpace and had all moved to Facebook. So I made the move as well.

Once I got used to Facebook I noticed all the great features that MySpace was lacking such as, the easy to use chat window and the ability to tag photos of friends. MySpace has tagging photos available now, but it doesn’t matter I never use MySpace.

Also Facebook had entertaining little games you could play like Mob Wars and Speed Racing. When I made the move to Facebook I found so many more people I knew because they were older and didn’t use MySpace. All the kids I knew that went off to college were on there. Adults like family members were on Facebook as well.

I think my favorite tool on Facebook is the networking tool I used it to join my college network and it helps me find people I know that also attend my school. And now you can put your favorite songs on Facebook just like MySpace, so it is all around better in my eyes.

New Blog Highlighted

My blog team has just started posting on this new blog and I wanted to share it with you today.

Cremation Options Blog

This brand new blog is being written for search engine placement purposes in an effort to try to boost organic placement on cremation keywords. Although the focus is about organic placement on the client’s end, our writing is information and interesting. Even if you don’t have a special pre-planning need for a cremation, you may still want to click in to check out the posts and quality of writing.

There is just about no topic that our writers cannot blog on. Well, we have found a few to be honest, but most topics we can put an appropriate positive spin on with excellent creative writing that will create great content for readers and search engines.

Why Are You Blogging?

We blog for search engines and for increasing readership. Why do you blog? There are many good reasons to blog and I will certainly tell you some of them in this post, but aggressive lead generation is not one of them.

I consider blogging a soft-selling medium. Blogging allows you to share information with readers and develop authority on your topic in their eyes. I have never used blogging as a lead generation medium per-say, because truthfully that is simply not what blogging is about. Blogging is about conversation, sharing knowledge, and search engines. Hit your readers with a marketing message post after post and you will lose readers.

I have gotten clients from my blog, but usually after they have followed me for a time, feel comfortable with my proficiency in a specific area, and valued my knowledge, never because of one post I have written.

These are my top reasons for blogging:

  1. Build content for search engines.
  2. Create “Web Authority” for search engines and readers.
  3. Build keyword density on specific searchable topics that act as entries to my blog feeding to my website.
  4. To share knowledge with others.
  5. To build website traffic.
  6. To keep my website visitors on my website longer.
  7. Identify areas of strong interest with my readers which may be good avenues for new white papers and services.
  8. Create interactive conversation with visitors.
  9. To learn something new every day in my field.
  10. To highlight websites, blogs, software, and tips that I feel are helpful to others and are beneficial.

So why do you blog? Just click comments and let me know.