Facebook Business Page Confusion Explained

There has been much confusion on moving your business to a Facebook Business Page from clients when they already have been using a Facebook Personal Profile for their business. Let me explain what I consider at this time to be our best practice recommendation for business owners who have had their business tied to their personal Facebook Profile or who have actually set up a Personal Profile for their business.

1. If you have done this (note in the first paragraph), we recommend that you keep your personal profile and then while logged into your personal profile go to this link http://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php and create a Business Page for your business. You will then access this new page by logging onto your personal Facebook account, click the account link at the top right, and then in the drop down select manage pages.

2. We then recommend that you announce to all colleagues and business associates that are friends in your personal profile over a two week period, that you are locking down your personal profile and encourage them to “like” your new business page.

3. At the end of the two week period, change your privacy settings in your personal profile to Friends only and then delete from your friend list anyone who you do not want to see personal photos, photos of your own personal friends, and your kids.

4. When you get a friend request sent to your personal profile, click the face of the person requesting to friend you and write them a note stating that you do not connect on your personal page but can fully interact with them and with you on your Facebook Business Page.

If you have created a Personal Profile for your Business you will still want to create a Business Page treed off of your Business’ Personal Profile. Work hard to move your friends to the new page as you will have many more features for interacting with them on a Business Page.