QR Codes Explained

QR Code to our Website
QR Code to our Website

You’ve seen them before, the funny square images on print pages and in magazines; they’re called QR Codes or Quick Response Codes. Scan the one to the right and it will take your mobile smartphone to our website’s home page.

QR Codes are not new, but they are gaining importance with more users accessing the Web with 3G and 4G technology on their smartphones. Similar to a bar code used by retailers to scan at checkout, QR Codes however are two dimensional graphics that can hold thousands of characters of information. This makes them the perfect way to direct users to online content quickly.

If you’ve seen funny colored graphics that look like Indian Blankets, these are Microsoft’s proprietary versions of QR Codes and are called MS Tags. They however need a special Microsoft reader to decode and in today’s mobile world may have limited use.

There are plenty of free QR code scanners, generators, and readers. I have one for my Droid phone called QR Droid that works great. With any mobile QR app, you take a picture of the QR code and the app then lets you select the appropriate action based on the information embedded in the QR Code. Scan ours with your phone and you’ll go our website home page.

In the next few days I’ll be writing about how you can use QR codes for SEO and for integrating your website onto the mobile Web.