Interesting Tidbits on Local Search Results on

Google has focused on delivering more location specific searches in their index partly because of the new focus on mobile, but also because this is what users want. As a result a new focus on search engine optimization to place on location specific keywords has bloomed into a major industry.

Here are a few tidbits that you may not have been aware of in regards to location specific placement on

Introducing rel=publisher.
Local Placement in the 7-Pack

1. When you check the placement for your site, if you see a map next to your listing then Google is delivering location specific results which may be different than non-location specific results. The map is the key! But Google will only now show seven results in this local grouping. Not ten sites as it used to do so.

2. If when you do a search for your site and you are not in this 7-pack group, take a look at your website, about us page, and all your social media to review and assure that you are adding location specific keywords to help tag your site with the geographic information needed to place in this important grouping.

3. When Google has more than seven sites that it may want to show in the 7-pack, it will show results based in closest proximity to where it can identify that the end user is located. Additionally I have found that Google will “rack and stack” these listings based on the number of reviews. If your competitors are located nearby to you and they have more reviews that you, your listing may never show in the 7-pack.

4. You can’t place in the 7-pack if you are not geographically appropriate to the search query and end user. This is the biggest misunderstanding point for website owners. If you are located in Columbus, you cannot place in the 7-pack for Cincinnati – you do not have a local space and will never be able to get there. This is a big issue for national selling services. Google simply will not show your results in these location specific searches but rather local businesses.

For more in-depth information you will want to check out this great article at SiteProNews by Tina Courtney-Brown.