Matt Cutts on Squeeze Pages – One Page Websites

Here’s our video tip of the week using Matt Cutts from Google’s Web Spam team.

What Matt says in the video is if a one page website or squeeze page works for your customers Google does not consider one page websites or for that matter squeeze pages a problem.

However there are a few personal comments that I would like to add to this.

  1. Google does preferentially show in the search results websites that are more authoritative on a topic and typically websites of this  nature will be those with way more than one page.
  2. Google has now factored PageSpeed into their algorithm. If you have to scroll and scroll and scroll on a single page website to see content you may be negatively impacting your PageSpeed and may benefit from switching to a multi page format. This is a fairly new algorithm update and so you may have not had this be an impact before but may now or in the very near future.
  3. Consider user experience. A one page website does not allow for a privacy policy page, contact page, or for that matter more information about who you the business are. I would forgo a single page site to move to a more robust presence that allows for greater transparency and identification of your business.