How to Solve an Email Spam Problem on Your Android Phone

A Bright Idea that Tames Smartphone Email Spam
A Bright Idea that Tames Smartphone Email Spam

I have many email accounts for my business and each one has a certain use. One is tied to client blogs, one is tied to my AdWords pro center and all my AdWords clients, one is purely for personal use, and others are for certain business sectors. So when I access email on my smartphone I have had a serious email spam problem.

At first, I tried a subscription to SpamDrain. But, I found that my personal email could never be viewed on my smartphone for some weird connection issue. I could see an email for 2 seconds and it would disappear. Also sometimes emails that were really important were caught in the SpamDrain filter and I had to go daily to look to be sure I had gotten my mail; very annoying and problematic to say the least. I just felt that there had to be a better way to control the spam on my phone and be able to have full access to my email.

I have found a solution that is free that is now working for me and may be the solution for you – the unified inbox!

What I did to solve my problem, was to set up a free email address and then link all my email addresses to that one account. I even forwarded my GMail account there after a filter to block out the Google+ communication “spam”. Now, even for POP3 accounts, I can press and hold an email and add the address or domain to my phone’s own spam filter controlling what I see the next time around.

I have to say I have gone from unmanageable levels of email down to reasonable and emails that I want to see. This one little change has tamed my own smartphone email issue. I know that Microsoft has purchased Accompli, which I have tried before and liked, which is very similar to Inbox for GMail. So I look for even more productivity from my unified inbox in the very near future.