Facebook Says Email is Dying – It’s True!

Just ask any 20 something young adult or try to correspond with them and you’ll see that it is true email is dying and in fact so are phone calls with this demographic group. For any parent of a young adult in college or one just getting out on their own, we know that we reach our kids through text messages to their mobile phones and send messages to their Facebook profiles. Send an email message and you’ll probably never even receive a response.

Sheryl Sandberg the COO of Facebook recently spoke on this topic. You can check out the video and more information on her chat on this topic through Web Pro News. Although Web Pro News, in this article, clearly does not agree that email is dying, as I read the article, I rapidly have grasped that the writer has missed the meaning of Ms. Sandberg’s comments.

I do agree that in a few years email as we know it today will have morphed into something different. I feel that social networking sites have brought about such big changes in how we interact online that in the not too distant future their advent may be considered as big as the development of the Internet.

Yes for now, you do need an email to set up social network accounts and most business communication is by email, but if we closely watch our young people and how they use technology to communicate, we see that we are in for some very big changes in the not too distant future with most of the big changes being tied to popular social networking platforms like Facebook.

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