AI Surfaces as the Hottest Topic of the Era

AI is leading the way in changes for digital advertising.

The new Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) brings the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) directly into Google’s search results. These AI generated snippets of text will now appear above the search results pushing organic listings even farther down the page.  

During Google’s May 2023 I/O Conference, Google announced this new search experience but did not provide a date for when the service would be released. However, it is important to know that a new experience is coming and that the format and information may change the way users interact with Google Search tools and may continue to impact the importance of organic search results and where they appear on the page. 

Microsoft has already integrated ChatGPT into its Edge Browser using a flyout right side panel which is accessed by clicking the Bing Search icon. Or ChatGPT can be accessed directly from the website. Microsoft has the edge over Google right now by integrating AI search tools so quickly while Google struggles with their own AI Search vision. We do continue to consider advertising on, using the Microsoft Advertising platform, an excellent addition to your marketing mix. Ask our team for more information on testing the platform. 

It appears that for both search engines AI generated information is now king; reshaping search in ways we have never seen before. It is an exciting time for advertisers, as we wait to see if these two search engines will utilize sponsored ads and creatives in AI generated search results.