When Should You Pass on Twitter?

Do you feel like you’ve missed the boat by not being involved with Twitter? I’m here to say that Twitter is not a good match for every business.

Here are my tips in a nutshell:

Businesses That Really Should be using Twitter

  1. Those with a national presence
  2. Those that need to monitor their name and customer service comments and ratings
  3. Those that are in business to business sales

Businesses That Don’t Need Twitter or May Not Benefit from Twitter

  1. Businesses that really only sell to local markets and not nationally
  2. Businesses that sell mainly to consumers
  3. Business that reach out to clients using Facebook or blogging

I have found that Twitter interaction is really globally based. If you are really working a local market you may find that your followers are so scattered around the globe that they would never even be able to buy or use your local products. For a business such as this, a Facebook Fan page and blog would be better places to invest money then Twitter ghosting services.

That doesn’t mean that if you want to try Twitter you shouldn’t but I would strongly consider your business base and who you are selling to before you invest in services for Twitter setup and Twitter ghosting such as we offer.

What Happened to Conversions in AdWords in February?

Many clients have been complaining the first week in March about their low number of conversions in February. If you are one of them, you are definitely not alone. We saw a dip in clicks, impressions, and conversions across many business sectors in February.

Remember however that some of the lower numbers are due to the shorter month, but just the same there were losses across the board. I wish I had more answers as to why. Personally I just think that the shoppers weren’t buying in February.

Another trend I started to see this month is a drop in cost per click on many accounts. The bid that used to buy position 3 to 5 is now buying 1 or 2 which means it’s time to pull back your CPC.

So between low conversions and a drop in CPC, it tells me that some advertisers have moved out of the marketplace in Google AdWords. That means for the people who stay the course that there will be less competition for clicks and very possibly increased conversions in March.

What do you think? What have you seen on your AdWords account, any similar trends?

What is Follow Friday or FF on Twitter?

If you have just started to use Twitter sometimes you will see a tweet that looks like this:

#FF @mccordweb, @czworldwide, @bedbugexpert

What exactly is this and why is it done? The above line on Twitter would be calling other users attention to Twitter profiles that you think are noteworthy. The #FF means the tweet has been tagged as a Follow Friday tweet and appears in Twitter searches under Follow Friday search index.

Follow Friday has been something that has been around since Twitter started. It means, if your name appears in someone’s list, that they like your tweets and think you have something to say of value. Sometimes you will see people do a tweet like this on other days but typically in “Twitter Culture” these kind of posts are done on Fridays.

It is a fine complement to be included in another Twitter users Follow Friday list. When I get mentioned I always send a direct message back to the person who has recommended me with a thank you. Not only is it a complement, but you can pick up new followers from the network of the person who mentioned you as many users will click in to check out who was recommended and consider following them as well. Personally I do this as well as a way to find out who the people I really watch like and follow themselves.

So this Friday, why don’t you list a few tweeters you like and use the #FF syntax. If you want to mention me, my Twitter ID is mccordweb. I would be most grateful if you would. See you on Twitter!

No One Likes to Hear No, But We Aren’t a Good Match for Everyone

That’s right we do actually turn prospects away. We are simply not a good match for every prospect’s needs. What we do do, we do great. That being said in a nutshell, we have a passion for small to medium sized business owners who typically have a brick and mortar operation. We are typically also working with the business owner directly and not a corporate chain of command.

It bear repeating, but we do not work or provide any of our services for these business sectors:

Adult Content

Any site that has adult themes such as dating sites, soft core pornography, images of partially clothed women that are used to sell your products, lingerie, any sexual aids or products, we just do not provide services for regardless of whether it is blogging or even Google AdWords.

Stock Brokers, Day Traders, Forex Traders and Their Management Software

In this case we have simply found that the nature of your business is so complicated that the time it takes us to learn and be effective for you is just not cost effective for us. In many cases you are additionally governed by regulations making even blog writing a difficult operation.

E-Books and Products Sold by Squeeze Pages in Multi-Level Marketing Programs

We typically do not supply services for products that are e-books or online how to guides. Although you can still be successful with these approaches, we simply do not have a passion for working with products that are typically sold using these vehicles. This would cover e-books on how to make money in real estate, sell or trade stocks or use the forex, or how to sell multi-level marketing products.

No one likes to hear no, but it is by far better for you to find a supplier that has a true passion for what you do and what you sell. We can help many businesses, but just not all.