Web 2.0 Boon or Bust?

Well it’s the new buzz word, is your website Web 2.0 friendly? What it really means is are you creating ways for readers and visitors to interact with you? Is your website using new technology? Are you blogging? Do you have video and commenting capability on your site?

That’s what Web 2.0 is all about, creating a richer media experience for your visitor. Will it kill your traffic if you don’t have it? No, is it something that you should be thinking about? Yes.

I am recommending that if possible video, flash components, and blogs be included in all our new websites. Visitors need more information and more ways to interact with you in today’s world. The age of the static brochure website is gone, with our technology-lust, we have created an environment where we need to enrich the viewing experience, without overkill, for our visitors and readers.

It is not rocket science to start moving in the direction of Web 2.o, but it does take planning and a concerted effort on your part. If you don’t think that it is important, watch what the 20 to 30 something crowd is interested in. They are your growing customer base and you will need to cater to them as their spending power increases in the marketplace. The younger generation is incredibly tuned into to the use of technology and using information on the Web. Your website and new redesign should speak to the future of the use of technology and be forward thinking.