Emailing Your Posts To Your Blog Text Version

Blogger has great features and I like the blog platform better than most,
but one this I wish they had is auto-publishing.

In WordPress and Typepad you can set a post to publish at a date in the
future which is a very nice feature for a professional blogger such as
myself. I have decided to do several tests of the Blogger system that you
can review online using the “mail to your blog” feature in an effort to be
able to make blogging easier. This post I have sent to Blogger via email and
formatted my message as plain text. Take a careful look and see if you see
any flaws in font and spacing based on our other posts.

My next post will be sent as an html emailed post so we can review the
difference. I will also be clocking the time it takes Blogger to post my
emailed blog. Right now I am finishing my post and it is 6:55 AM Eastern