Using Squidoo For Organic Search Placement

I don’t do much with Squidoo but I have a client that I blog for that has really used Squidoo to garner organic search placement. I think that the approach that he has taken is actually very savvy, time consuming, but savvy.

If you don’t know what Squidoo is check it out now. Squidoo allows you to easily set up a targeted one page content page in their network called a lens. This lens is best if it is very narrow and very keyword dense. Sounds easy, but you will have to use the custom advanced page interface to create this kind of mini website.

My client’s optimization team has literally created hundreds of Squidoo pages on one topic pointing to his main website. When the specific topic is searched, his Squidoo page does appear above his regular website. We are actively pointing blog posts to his Squidoo pages to build links and authority as his blog resides outside of his main web domain.

I have tested Squidoo myself and find it is similar to setting up a LinkedIn or Facebook page; modular in nature, but can be time consuming. If you have loads of time or deep pockets to pay someone else to create these pages for you, I can see that it is a very workable strategy, but not one that I am adopting for my own business at this time, but it is interesting to see how others are using Squidoo.

Here’s a link to our Squidoo page so you can see what one looks like. Ours is on search engine optimization.

Google AdWords Compared to Yahoo Sponsored Search

If you are thinking about using pay per click advertising, then you’ll want to read our eight page in-depth whitepaper comparing Google AdWords to Yahoo Sponsored Search. You’ll have to share your email with us to download our free whitepaper, but we’ll never spam you and you can subscribe from our monthly newsletter easily anytime.

This whitepaper gives real world click and impression examples in a variety of business areas, discusses the ease of use and control panel. Our whitepaper will help you to decide where you want to start and what to expect. Visit the download page for more information.

Getting Coupons Before Buying Online

Just this last week my son Chris graduated from high school. For his graduation gift my husband and I bought him a Dell computer with all the bells and whistles. I had thought we would originally spend about $800 or so for a great laptop. By the time my son and my husband got done it was $1,700 at Dell.

Before they completed the order I asked, “hey, did you guys do a search for a Dell coupon?”. They both looked at me like I was a nut. I jumped to my computer, did a Google search on Dell coupon, went to the first site and called out the coupon code. This quick action added another $150 discount to our Dell order. After Dell’s discount and the coupon code I found, the computer is now at a more reasonable $1,300 total.

My tip is when you are buying something big like a laptop, computer, software, television, go a quick Google search and see if there’s a coupon that you can take advantage of with a few clicks.

In our case, we didn’t even have to leave the Dell order to buy the item on the coupon site, we just entered the coupon code and were good to go. Let the power of the Web save you money too with just a few clicks.

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