SEO Is Much More Than Code Optimization

Organic placement improvement for your website is much more than code optimization. In fact I have seen some sites whose code is not really optimized still place well. But for the typical business website code optimization is a start and just one of the pieces of the puzzle that need to be put together for better Web visibility.

First off, it is very important to understand that where you place on the search engines is now much more that what is happening back on your own website. Now it is about all these things working together:

  • Inbound links from new sites and authority websites
  • Facebook activity and regular status updates
  • Twitter activity and follower growth as well as retweets from authority followers
  • On-domain blogging to build Web authority and keyword density
  • Quality content, more than blogging, press releases and white papers are needed
  • Website code optimization
  • Regular updates to your home page and website content

What I have found is that once a site hits the tipping point by doing all of these things on a regular basis they insulate themselves from big drops in the search engines. I have seen sites stay at nearly the same search positions without additional code tweaks and even improve from just the above updates. It does not require a monthly source code update to keep and maintain position organically. I have however found that improvement from a poor position once these strategies have been implemented is slow but steady.

If you need help in these area, I encourage you to visit our website to find out how to start with an evaluation so you can create a blue print for how your website can get better organic placement.