Google Statistically Documents AdWords and Organic Click Activity

This is a very interesting article and one worth a quick review if you are advertising on Google AdWords or thinking of advertising on Google AdWords. The title is “Impact of Organic Ranking on Ad Click Incrementality“. The study done by Google, in a nutshell, shows that when an advertiser with high organic placement stops advertising on Google AdWords, the high placement does not replace the click activity from AdWords.

“A meta-analysis of 390 Search Ads Pause studies highlighted the limited opportunity for clicks from organic search results to substitute for ad clicks when search ads are turned off. We found that on average, 81% of ad impressions and 66% of ad clicks occur in the absence of an associated organic result on the first page of search results. In addition, we found that on average, 50% of the ad clicks that occur with a top rank organic result are incremental. The estimate for average incrementality of the ad clicks increases when the rank is lower; 82% of the ad clicks are incremental when the associated organic search result is between ranks 2 and 4, and 96% of the ad clicks are incremental when the advertiser’s organic result ranked lower than 4.”

The bottom line is that even with high organic placement AdWords ads will bring more traffic and clicks in to your website. The lower your organic placement the higher percentage of click activity will be from AdWords. When you stop Google AdWords ads, the traffic from your organic placement will not rise, but rather your click activity will actually drop as much as 50% for top placed websites and as much as 82% for lower placed websites. The lower your organic position the more important AdWords is for click activity and the boost of exposure.

From these findings even top ranked website can benefit significantly from an AdWords campaign. If you are interested in trying AdWords, we invite you to visit our services page to review our AdWords account management program.