Twitter Moves to a Visual Look

Looking ahead to Twitter's new look.
Looking ahead to Twitter’s new look.

In our new visual and video saturated world where images, pins, and cover photos are all the rage, Twitter has stagnated with their text-based layout until now. Coming soon to your Twitter profile is a “Facebook-like” look that has a much more interesting visual look and feel.

I hardly ever click into my Twitter profile as I almost exclusively use third part apps to build and send my content three times a day to my various Twitter accounts. With a new image-interesting profile coming to Twitter accounts, Twitter may soon become a platform-venue like Facebook. All the better for Twitter to promote ads on a page if they can attract users back in to view profiles of people they follow or for that matter to spend more time actually “on” their profile then sending things “to” their profile.

Here’s a great article to give you some visual previews of the Twitter’s new look. When you see the huge cover, ability to post more images and video, favorite posts, and to create more visual interest you’ll say just like me, “wow this sure looks like Facebook!”

I’ll be updating my Twitter profiles with the new look in the weeks ahead, as I do, I will create a tutorial so you can update yours too.