Tips on the AdWords Display Ad Builder

Here are some tips to consider when using the Google AdWords Display Ad Builder to help set up image ads for your Google AdWords Display Network targeted campaign.

  1. Expect a much higher click through rate (CTR) with ads created using images in the Display Network than with regular text ads.
  2. The Display Ad Builder will make all sizes of your ads for you automatically. But make sure to click each ad size and resize as needed or move around the content blocks by dragging them so the text looks “right” for each size ad.
  3. Consider using the suggested ads that AdWords creates for you to get started in under 10 minutes.
  4. You cannot change the ad text in each ad size so choose short phrases that work for your product or service.
  5. You can add additional images of products or your logos to certain templates. Browse around in the tool to find the one that suits your specific needs best.
  6. Once your program is running a .05% (yes that is right) is considered a great click through rate by Google.

I do like the Display Ad Builder. It allows me to set up good looking display ads pretty quickly. This is especially important where we want to test the program we are running in the Search Network to see if it has viability in the Display Network.

If you are looking for savvy personalized help with Google AdWords, make sure to find out more about our company and services.

Tidbits on Using Remarketing Advertising in Google AdWords

Here are some interesting factoids about content remarketing using Google AdWords I have gleaned from a recent Google AdWords sponsored seminar you may not know.

  1. Did you know that 96% of your website visitors leave your website without completing the action you desire (converting)?
  2. 70% of all e-commerce shoppers abandon your website shopping cart.
  3. Remarketing allows for you to tap this hidden market to expose your message again to try to keep your name in front of interested potential customers.

Remarketing is pretty easy to set up. Here’s how you do it:

  • You insert code on key pages of your website
  • the customer visits these key pages and a cookie is set on their computer
  • you set up a remarketing campaign in Google AdWords defining criteria of when to show your ads
  • as these visitors travel the web they see your AdWords ads on any page in the Google Network they visit.

Cool – but make sure you set up frequency capping in your remarketing campaign settings so you are not giving the appearance that you are spamming your visitors. Also make sure you set the cookie set length. You want to keep your name in front of potential customers for a short time (30 days or less) after they have visited your website but not “stalk” them around the web and make them mad.

Interesting Tidbits on AdWords Display Advertising

Here are some very interesting tidbits of information on advertising in the Google AdWords Display Network you may not have known that I wanted to share with you. This information was gleaned from a Google sponsored seminar I attended.

  1. Adding a Display Network ad program to your AdWords account can increase brand recall by 124%.
  2. Adding a Display Network ad program to your AdWords account  will increase purchase intent by 31%.
  3. Nearly 4 in 10 people will see your Display Network ad and then do a Google search on your company name or product and then visit your website.
  4. After seeing a Display Network ad customers are 140% more likely to click on and organic search link.

Wow, that’s some interesting data! Seems like the impact and exposure you garner from advertising in the Display Network goes well beyond just brand name exposure.

I have found the best scenario for using the Display Network in AdWords is to:

  1. Create separate campaigns in mature programs.
  2. Make sure to create text as well as display ads – I love the Display Ad Builder.
  3. Carefully monitor exposure and conversion rate and don’t get spun up on CTR or click through rate.

When you are ready to try AdWords Display Network advertising, make sure to contact us for help on setting up your Google AdWords advertising program.

Interesting Tidbits on AdWords Display Advertising

Here are some interesting tidbits about Google AdWords Display Network advertising that I have gleaned from a recent Google sponsored seminar.

  1. Adding Display to a search campaign can increase brand recall by 124%.
  2. Use of Display Network advertising can increase purchase intent by 31%. Nearly 4 in 10 people will see your Display Network ad and then do a Google search on your company or product and then visit your website.
  3. After seeing a Display Network ad customers are 140% more likely to click on an organic link.
  4. Display Network advertising combined with search advertising increases the likelihood of a visit by 27%.
  5. Display Network advertising cost per acquisition (CPA) costs are on the average 35% less than the CPA of text advertising in the Display Network.

Pretty powerful statistics! Many of our clients supplement their Search Network advertising with Display Network advertising and reap strong additional exposure. Google has long said that sponsored advertising should be part of an overall online marketing plan and that sponsored exposure helps to feed unpaid search traffic.

Make sure to review our AdWords account management pricing if you are looking for a savvy expert to help you with Google AdWords search advertising.