Why Are You Letting Someone Destroy Your Web Presence?

Why would you ever let someone or some business destroy your web presence? You think that you never would right, but you may be doing so without really thinking that your are.

In one recent case one of our client’s web host had not properly secured their server. This could happen to you too. Just because your host has a high profile name does not mean that they are “taking care” of business. A web host may host 50 or more clients on one server. If they do not have strong intrusion and firewall systems in place, if one site gets hacked all sites on the shared server may be hacked.

If your website is hacked, has malware installed on it, or is being used as a zombie spam agent, you need to ask some very pointed questions to your web host. I do not advocate moving right away to a new web host unless proper security measures are not part of your existing web host’s protocol, but you definitely need to ask some “in your face” questions and get “real” answers.

I have personally found that if you are paying $10 or less a month for hosting, that typically you are not properly covered. Intrusion detection, system redundancies, and firewalls cost money, so does a security minded IT staff. You will typically not receive this type of service from many budget hosts.  Now, not all, GoDaddy has a pretty good package and they offer budget hosting, but I have run into some that are just “hack” magnets.

Once your web host and website have been compromised you can lose your organic placement, be blocked by browsers, and labeled as a site that “when visited can damage your computer” in the organic search results. For some clients, that do not check their website daily, they can be compromised for weeks before they find out that the reason they have no phone calls is that their website has been “marked as unsafe” on Google.com.

There is too much to risk when it comes to destroying consumer confidence in your business when your website is spewing out malware when links are clicked in your site. I prefer to protect the online reputation I have by making sure that I have the best web host possible, that the most recent technology is used in their infrastructure, and that they are located in the United States as am I. It is important to understand that when you shop for a web host there is much more to consider than the price per month.

TweetMeme Allowing Others to Share Your Content on Twitter

I have just recently added TweetMeme to my blog. That’s the little icon to the right of each post that allows you to click the word tweet and share my content on Twitter, plus tracks how many people have retweeted a blog post.  This is similar to the Digg icon you may have seen on the Web on other sites.

Both TweetMeme and the Digg icon allow for easy ways to encourage the sharing of your content in new innovative ways. Take a look at the bottom of our blog post and you will also see our Share This icon. This WordPress plug-in gives your readers more options to share your content on Facebook, Twitter, and social bookmarking sites.

The reason I have chosen TweetMeme over the Digg icon is simply that I am much more active on Twitter at this time than I am on social bookmarking sites.

It is very simple to set up TweetMeme on your blog or on your web pages.  Here is a link to the TweetMeme plug-in page for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and other applications. If you prefer to install TweetMeme on a web page, here is the link to the code creator for pages, RSS feeds, emails, and other ways to share your content.

By encouraging the sharing of your content you reach a much wider audience and create more opportunities for your content to go viral. TweetMeme makes it easy!

Is Your Organic Position Dropping? What to Do About It

If your organic placement is dropping now’s the time to review what you can do to stop it. First, if you have not updated your home page content in a while and by that I mean in the last two to three months, now’s the time to make some updates. Second, if you don’t routinely add content to your website, by that I mean adding several new pages every month, now’s the time to get blogging.

For the last several clients who have called to find out why their placement on Google.com had changed dramatically, I found that both had not updated their websites in over one year. A website should be a work in progress. New content should be added on a regular basis and the home page should be changed at least once a month or once every two months, even if that only means moving things around. Keeping your website fresh is very important to getting and then keeping good organic placement.

If your website placement has significantly dropped, like from somewhere to nowhere, you may even need to review what keyword phrases you were targeting and see if maybe there are a better matches for your products and services that should be used. It could be that Google has simply arbitrarily decided that the phrase you optimized for is just not a good match to what people will actually be looking for. It could also be that the market place has changed and that a careful review of new possible keyword phrase targets should be done.

I have found that when I start to see my own site dip on my target phrases when I update my home page, change my meta title tag and meta description I can quickly pop back up in the search results. Sometimes as quickly as in seven days on Google.

If organic placement is important to your business, it is important to monitor on a monthly basis where you are on the search phrases on which you have optimized. If you don’t know where you place now, you can not create a plan to improve on your current results.

The Social Connection Phenomena But Should You Take the Plunge?

If you use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, a blog, and other online news and link sharing tools you are ahead of the curve and taking full advantage of some of the newest ways to drive traffic to your website, connect with readers, and share news and information. If you are not doing these things, should you be? Where should you invest your time? How should you get started?

First, if you are doing any of the things I mentioned and you are serious about growing your website presence, want to start to lower your pay per click budget, and want to tap into new ways to reach customers, it is time for you to get involved.

If you are not willing to invest the time or money to dive into the social connection phenomena that is growing on the Web, this may not be the right time for you personally to get involved. However as time marches on, don’t sit on the fence too long as those that are embracing these new media resources will have the leg up on you for organic web position and web authority over time.

For those of you that say YES, I am ready and feel that I have been missing out on the social connection and am ready to get started here is the plan I suggest.

  1. Get involved with Twitter right away. It is easy to use and you don’t need to hire a writer if you have time. Tweet three to five times a day. Provide value of cool sites you find on the Web, interesting articles in your field. Take a moment to thank others for retweets and comment on other’s tweets. Remember this is about connection and conversation.
  2. Integrate Twitter badges and your Twitter feed with your blog and website. You may need help in this area, but make sure you are promoting that you are using these cool tools to your audience.
  3. Start on Facebook right away.  Don’t get hung up on doing a private page for friends and lock out business resources. Do a fan page but don’t lock your personal page and open up your fan page. Why? It creates so many problems with application interaction and auto status posting and scheduling applications when you do this. I recommend using your website email address for a Facebook page. Accept anyone as a friend to this site. Consider it your business face. If you want to build a fan page for your business do that as well tied to this business site. If you want a Facebook page just for personal friends and family set up another account but tied to a different email address not the one tied to your domain. Lock this one down and point your family and friends to this much smaller private site.
  4. Get going with LinkedIn, Tagged, Naymz and other social sites that make sense for you. There are services that you can use to auto publish your status at these locations with one click to make it easy for you. Even if you don’t regularly update these sites, set up profiles and work them for a bit to at least get a presence.
  5. If you are not blogging, you need to get going right now. You may want to hire a writer. You will most likely need help getting the blog set up and integrated with your website. The minimum posting we recommend is three times a week with about 200 to 250 words per post. Don’t snatch content and paste it in your blog post. You need unique content – there’s no fooling Google.
  6. Optional – you can integrate into your website Google Friend Connect or Facebook Connect features. These can be fun and help other to share and comment on your content.

The big key to take away from this blog post is that to just have these social services and a blog is not enough. You must use them and work them. I have found that if you do not work to connect with others your friend list, followers, and subscribers will not grow. Having them is not enough, you must use them to reap the benefits.

The benefits are huge and will play an even bigger factor in organic search placement in the very near future. If you don’t believe that, check out Monday’s blog post on Google’s experimental Social Search feature. There is no rolling back the clock, social media is here to stay. Now it becomes a factor of are you going to embrace it and get the visibility and “authority” before your competitors do?

This post is not about selling, but rather information, but we do offer many services that can help you grab the “gold ring” when it comes to social media. Check out our website for more information on our services.