Google is Changing Your Page Title in the Search Results

Google is now changing your title in the search results. In fact they may or may not pick up your specially crafted meta tag title at all. I find this troubling and annoying.

Here’s just one important example. My business name used to be McCord Web Design. I incorporated over four or five years ago and now our name is McCord Web Services LLC. Just this past week in the Google index, the title of my website changed in the Google index from my careful crafted title to “McCord Web Design”! I don’t and have not used that name in years! Additionally there is no code on my entire site that carries my old name. Sheesh, I hate that. You can’t correct a problem like this or even complain about this issue to Google.

If this has happened to you, just be sure that in time it will go away. Bing did the same thing (created its own website title) several years ago and is now showing the real meta titles in their index. So annoying as it is that Google has done this, most likely this will eventually go away.

So, in the meantime, know that any references you find in the Google index to McCord Web Design, are really McCord Web Services. Good grief Google stop tweaking my code for your index!