Blogging is Valuable for Driving Traffic to Your Website

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It is a mistake to feel that blogging is dead. Hands down one of the very best things you can do for your business website is to have a blog that is updated regularly.

Here’s an interesting situation that illustrates how blogging benefits you. I had a client who said she was stopping blogging as she simply did not see the value. We went to together as part of our conversation to review her placement on the search engines and there on the page for her top keywords several of her blog posts appeared. After seeing that her blog was an entry point into her website, she decided that maybe she had misjudged the part that blogging played in her overall marketing strategy and decided to increase her blogging frequency.

When done properly blogging provides not only value for site visitors, it can become an entry point into your website and may even funnel traffic into your services pages. But, blogging needs to be engaging, interesting, and on-topic.

If you are looking for a service firm to write quality content for your own blog, I invite you to visit our blogging services page to review pricing and writing samples.