AdWords Auction Insights – Daily Budget

Man Scratching Head
Not getting the performance you want out of AdWords?

Not only is your maximum cost per click a factor in deciding if you are in the Google AdWords auction, but your daily budget may be a factor keeping you out of the auction too!

It is important to understand a few things first about how the AdWords auction works.

AdWords account managers will talk about your 30 day budget spend;  it needs to be high enough to support your accounts daily budget based on your maximum cost per click. Not your average cost per click, but your maximum cost per click.

Here is a fine example of a client who by having a low 30 day click spend has effectively kept Google AdWords from being able to serve his account for best performance.

30 day click spend $150
Daily budget $5
Typical max. CPC for other clients in the same industry $6.50 His top maximum CPC based on his daily budget $5

As his maximum CPC is constrained by his daily budget, his account can never be set at a level to truly be in the auction, he gets spotty click results and sometimes Google cannot even spend his $150 in a 30 day period.

In scenarios like this, what we see happening is that an account manager gets desperate and starts adding broad match keywords to an account in an effort to get low cost traffic.

Here are some of the results we then see when that happens:

30 day number of impressions 11,930
Clicks in 30 days 36
CTR in 30 days .30%
Average position 6.8

It looks like the account is performing, but look at the impressions. They are high and the CTR is low. This account is getting clicks, but they are typically poor quality and untargeted clicks because the client has set the daily budget too low and so can never raise the maximum cost per click to get in the keyword auction. Google may even be delivering clicks at off hours setting the account up for even lower levels of success.

This is just one example of problematic account performance. In some cases as you monitor clients such as this you will even see Google saving up money to try to serve their program by even going a day or three without any clicks at all and then getting a few clicks a day or so later.

If you are looking for a savvy AdWords manager I invite you to read our client reviews. We resolve AdWords problems all the time and do work in some cases on an hourly basis to help re-mediate AdWords problems.

What’s With WordPress Hacks Lately?

Lock Out the Bad Guys From Accessing Your Blog.
Lock Out the Bad Guys From Accessing Your Blog.

What’s with WordPress lately? My firm manages a number of client blogs and writes for many more, in the last month I have found a number of blogsites that are undergoing repeated entry attempts by robots. Fortunately for our client sites, we lock them out the bad guys and monitor WordPress files using three great apps.

Login Lockdown
I like this very simple login app. You can set lockout time frames and you are not pestered with repeated messages.

WordPress File Monitor
I like this plug-in as well as it does not inundate you with messages, but let’s you know when files have changed at WordPress by email. For many client sites, we are monitoring the logins and access. It helps to keep the blog secure and hack-free.

Sucuri Monitoring
After you’ve been hacked once you’ll want to make sure that you are using this plugin that has many more features and will let you know each and every single action on WordPress. Clients quickly feel overwhelmed with the message traffic, but sometimes you’ll want to know each and every login attempt to see a pattern and to see if the hackers are getting close to figuring out your user name. Although you can lower the number of messages, for sites that are undergoing aggressive entry tactics, I recommend watching everything. Remediation can be costly so it helps to know what is happening to jump in and do updates immediately if needed.

I’ve personally found that if you have used admin as a user name and then a simple password, you may already have been hacked and should login to see what is going on as well as take moment to create a secure letter and number, plus character password for WordPress.

There are some bad guys out there testing many WordPress sites or blogs, looking to see who has not properly secured their site to break in and then use the site to spew out spammy links.

If you are tired of watching your own site, we do offer monthly blogmaster services and monitoring if you need it for $30 a month. Find out more about our blogmaster and webmaster services.

Google Introduces Local Guides – Enlisting Readers to Review You

Want to become a Local Guide too? You can.
Want to become a Local Guide too? You can.

Quietly in February Google rolled out a new program called Local Guides.  Not only did Google create a program to make a community out of people already active in their social space, but is providing perks, mentoring, and recognition for those that participate by writing reviews.

The benefit to Google is that it gets huge numbers of local business-specific, high quality reviews written by real people who have actually used the service or bought from the business. By creating its own reviewer network, Google builds a community that it can manage to boost what it wants to enhance its own relevancy in the local space. And it can use the reviews the way it wants.

Here’s one example of how Google is benefiting. Google asked all Local Guides to Level Up in March. By encouraging Local Guides that are Google+ Community Followers and offering personal encouragement, badges when you hit a certain number of reviews, and special recognition within its private global as well as local communities, it has crowdsourced business review writing in an incredibly smart and savvy way. I for one, boosted my review numbers to hit 50 – leveling up.

If you write 50 reviews and you get a special badge that appears next to your own reviews. Write 200+ reviews and you may get invites to special events, and even an occasional Google branded gift. Plus you get bragging rights.

As a Local Guide myself, I actually like the program and am using it as a way to share my local knowledge as well as to connect with other writers in my own community. I happen to think that this was an incredibly smart move on Google’s part to enlist a grassroots movement building it’s own review network that it will be able to use for AdWords and for its own search results needs.

There is cache associated with being a Local Guide and for now I am having fun with the program. If you are over 18, you can apply to be a Local Guide too. Just visit this page.

Remember Local Guides are not hired or paid by Google, nor are they Google employees. They are just helping to write about what they know and letting Google have the rights to their work.

April 21 – Will Your Website Traffic Drop by Over 50%?

Google Partner Badge
McCord Web Services is a Google Partner.

Google has announced that on April 21, it will be removing non-mobile friendly websites from the mobile search index. April 21st is the day you will find out just how much your website traffic will drop if you have not moved to a responsive website.

For some sites, mobile traffic accounts for over 50% of their online traffic. Are you ready to not have access to those potential customers?  Ready to have your website traffic drop by 30% or even 50%?

If you are not up to speed on these very important announcements here are two notifications you should read:

The bottom-line to these announcements are that although Google has been saying for over six months that mobile was important. Now they are saying it is REALLY important and if you are not embracing the mobile experience they simply do not want to show your website to their search customers. In essence by not going “mobile” you are making your website irrelevant with an expiration date of April 21, 2015!

No business owner wants to hear that their traffic may drop, but on April 21st you will know if mobile is a big factor in your own website traffic. If you aren’t sure what your mobile traffic patterns are, now’s the time to go to Google Analytics and check to see what the real numbers are so you can prepare.

For those that have moved to DudaMobile as a short term bandaid for a mobile site, we are already starting to get notices that Google is dinging these sites as well so what we thought would be a quick fix for some is turning out to maybe not the perfect short term solution.

Time is running out for sites that have not chosen to upgrade. You’ve got 44 days left to be responsively designed.