New Social Networking Program

We’ve rolled out a new program on our website this past week. You can review our program and pricing online.

Due to the interest in social networking and the number of clients we have who are interested in growing their presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo, Naymz, Tagged, and others, we have created services that help you get started fast.

With our Social Networking Made Easy program, we’ll set up eight platforms for you for $190. We particularly like: Facebook, LinkedIn, FriendFeed, Twitter, Plaxo, Naymz, Tagged, and Xing. All you have to do is to send us your resume and photo and we’ll do the rest. If you don’t have an up to date resume, you can arrange for us to interview you by phone for $40 to make it even easier.

Many clients will be ready to take over from that point, but some clients need more help. For this special type of client we offer social networking mentoring by the hour and our Executive Social Networking program. In this special program we will actively work your two selected networks (sorry not Twitter we have a separate program for Twitter), to help to grow your following and to provide value to readers.

Now’s the time if you have thought maybe you want to do social networking to take charge and hit the ground running with our ala carte social networking set up and update services.

LinkedIn Penalty – Have You Been Caught?

If you are loading a large contact list into LinkedIn, be aware that you may run into their user penalty. What I am speaking about is a step by LinkedIn to trim spam and to keep their application about connections.

For me, I am definitely not a spammer. However I did get caught by the filter just the same. LinkedIn encourages you to load your address books and lists and to connect with every person you have ever contacted. However, if some of these people do not remember you or if you were a casual acquaintance, they can mark your invitation as “I do not know this person” and ding you. Get three or four dings and LinkedIn will not let you connect with anyone unless you know their email address.

So be careful about loading a large list you may get caught too. At this point LinkedIn says contact their customer service department to say you understand the rules and they will re enable the ability to connect but make sure to not let that happen again.

If you’ve had similar issues with LinkedIn, let me know what you did to resolve them. By the way one of our European friends mentioned that is the application in Europe so look soon for our Xing profile and connect with us there too.