The Value of a Good AdWords Account Manager

You can do Google AdWords on your own right? So why would you need an account manager?

Sure, you can do AdWords on your own and even manage your own account and get results, but an effective account manager can help you to get more value from AdWords. Here are a few examples of items an account manager can help you with.

1. Make sure that you have website statistics installed or can help you get Google Analytics installed so you have valid metrics for measurement of success.

2. Make sure that you have conversion tracking implemented for your Google AdWords program and that you have it properly implemented on your website. Again metrics!

3. Perform keyword research to assure that you have the “money” words on your account as well as to make sure that your keyword list is targeted to your services.

4. Set up your account architecture to maximize returns. Grouping ad groups by geographic location, keyword importance to your program, and service theme are all ways that a good account manager will get your account going right.

5. Monitor your cost per click based on the marketplace, evaluating ad position on the query page, positioning your ads based on return on investment so you get exposure but without breaking your budget.

A good account manager will help your account to hit the ground running and to position your program for success. If you are looking for an effective Google AdWords account manager, I invite you to review our account management program for consideration.

Why I Really Like Twitter

You know I just started testing Twitter out last week and I have to say that it is becoming one of my all time favorite apps. Click my blog post title to see my own Twitter page.

Twitter is like a blog, instant messenger, and interactive social media site all rolled into one. Here’s what I particularly like:

1. It is super easy to start. You don’t even need to know anyone. Just search for your business areas and then read the short bio and click follow of the people who you think sound interesting.

2. Write in 140 or so characters what you are doing or link to what are reading.

3. Look at what other people are linking to, reading and reviewing.

4. Get involved! I find the interaction refreshing and I am not a big fan of social media sites – they take too much time, but Twitter is fast, short, and actually really fun! I find Twitter easier to update than a blog, fast, interactive, and actually really fun.

Not sure, just try it for three or four days. If you are on the web all day long like me, Twitter is a super easy way to connect, have your ear to the ground for new info, and to meet others in your industry. I even have clients who are following me on Twitter. When you get on Twitter, it may surprise you who you will find there.

One tip, if you don’t know where to start with friends, search for people with your last name and just follow the first ten. It’s kind of cool to see if you may even be distantly related.