Keyword Density on Your Page Best Practices

It used to be for websites that needed to be competitively placed on search engines that we would strive for about a 7% keyword density of one or several search phrases per page, but now search engines are getting smarter. 7% density when you read it, is very repetitive. In fact for some clients simply unreadable and unacceptable, however at this point in time on Google it can still get results.

As I watch the Web, Google’s algorithm changes, and chatter from other webmasters, I feel that high keyword density website may be eventually filtered out by Google and maybe even this year based on the information Google is putting out on there various blogs. Over the last several years we have seen a direction less of strong keyword density to more readable text with good content and link building programs (typically the links will come from blogging on-domain.)

I recently reviewed an attorney’s website where I considered the content on his page bordering on excessive keyword density and to the level of keyword stuffing. He told me that his site had been dropping since the Google Panda/Farmer update had rolled out. As a savvy professional, I see the writing on the wall, it is time to review your content and start minimizing keyword dense content in advance of algorithm changes that will drop your organic placement.