Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn – Social Media Nightmare, Where Should I Be?

Confused about how to effectively promote your business on the Web?
Confused about how to effectively promote your business on the Web?

You hate Facebook, but your customers are there. You just don’t get Twitter, isn’t that for teenagers? Too busy for LinkedIn? All these social media sites may seem like too much trouble for some business owners to get involved with, but did you know your competition is there and so are your future customers!

How do you demystify where you personally should spend your time and on what social media sites? It is easy, look at your demographics in Google Analytics.

If your customer/reader base is 18 to 29 to 30 years old or so, you’d better be on Twitter.

If your customer/reader base is 30 to 60 years old or so, you’d better be on Facebook.

If you are selling business to business, regardless of age, you’d better be on LinkedIn.

How do you find your own Google Analytics stats?

  1. Go to “Audience” in the left side navigation, then go to “Demographics” and then select “Age”.
  2. There you’ll be able to see your visitors from the last 30 days organized by age groups.
  3. Make sure that you check average session duration, pages per session, and bounce rate.
  4. Based on what you see for your own traffic then make a decision on where you should selectively be on social media.

Don’t feel that just because you may not be on social media that your business does not need to be there. Social media use is an excellent way to start building a community of readers loyal to your message.

Not sure where to start? At McCord Web Services, we make it easy for you. Check out our writing rates for social media with service options for frequency. You are sure to find something that fits your budget.

Why Use Twitter for Your Business?

Connect with a world you may not know of through Twitter.
Connect with a world you may not know of through Twitter.

Many business owners understand the value of Facebook. The importance of Facebook for business is a fact that they understand as they themselves use Facebook to connect with businesses and friends, but Twitter?

Why would a business want to have a presence on Twitter? What would be the purpose?

Here’s why I like Twitter for business use:

    1. When you write content for your blog or add a new page to your website, how do you let people and search engines know you’ve got something new? Twitter! By linking tweets to new content you can drive traffic to those new pages.
    2. Want to get on the news? If you find something interesting or a top story, post it on Twitter and you may be amazed at the response from high profile news media. You and your business may end up on the news. News agencies prowl Twitter looking for breaking news. Leverage the power of hash tagging to get attention.
    3. Do you need to know what others are saying about you and your services? Use Twitter searches to monitor traffic and respond to issues, questions, or solve problems fast.

Even if you are not using Twitter personally or for your own business, your clients and competitors are. Leverage exposure on the Web and keep your finger on the pulse of what’s happening by getting active on Twitter. We can help with that!

Twitter Analytics Can Help Unlock Keys to Your Success

Screen shot of Twitter's new analytics tool.
Screen shot of Twitter’s new analytics tool.

Twitter has a new tool and if you have not checked it out yet, I would strongly encourage you to do so.  It is called Twitter Analytics. This new tool allows you to dig into who is following you and what is happening in regards to interaction with your tweets.

Twitter Analytics, accessed from http://ads.twitter.com, can give you additional insights that are valuable for changing or enhancing what you write about and who you would want to follow and connect with. You can view information on tweet interaction and even follower demographics.

Here are just a few tidbits that you can find out about your Twitter audience using my own audience data as an example.

1. 81% of my followers are men.

2. 81% of my followers are interested in marketing tips.

3. 58% of my followers are interested in SEO.

4. 44% of my followers also follow @DrJeffersnBoggs.

5. 4% of my followers are in New York City, 4% in Washington DC,  and 4% are in LA.

Just this information alone will help me to tailor better updates for my followers and work harder to engage them. Twitter Analytics is free for now.

If you need help getting started with Twitter of need writing for your Twitter profile, I invite you to find out more about our Twitter writing services today.

Twitter Syntax Explained – What’s .@ and More

Twitter Syntax Explained
Twitter Syntax Explained

If you use Twitter you may already know some of the special syntax uses, but if you are a newbie or just want a refresher, here are a few explanations about what it is you may see in front of a tweet.


Here you have modified a tweet written by us mccordweb or for that matter any Twitter handle can be inserted. It is nice to let your audience know that you started with someone else’s tweet and modified it.

Etiquette states that if you like something you leave the originating @ twitter handle in your tweet so others know where the credit is due.


In this case you have retweeted something that I or another Twitter account has written. See MT if you change the retweet.


In this case you are directing Twitter to show your response and post it on the mccordweb page. Without the . in front of the @ your message will not be posted for all to see.


In this case only people who follow me will see my response in a threaded conversation format.  Spammers like to use this to force a post to your page which is also why Twitter enacted who sees @ messages by default an hence the need for an .@ message.

#KeyWord or #SearchTerm

Want to draw attention to something in your tweet or to categorize it for others use a # with no spaces or dashes between words. This morning I posted this: It is 9:38 AM Saturday morning and the #Hostway website is down taking my site with it. Within minutes I had responses with others looking for news on Hostway. You can also use the search function in many third party apps and at Twitter to see trending news that is tagged with hashtags (#).

We like to use a hashtag for keywords in social media and all platforms accept the # sign now even Facebook and Google+.


This means Follow Friday. This is a day where you list people that you like to follow using the @ sign with their handle. So your tweet would look like #FF @mccordweb, @nancymccord – great content and nice to chat wiith.


Twitter allows the use of hashflags. By using # and then a country code Twitter will actually show the country’s flag icon in your message.

You can do a search on Twitter for #HashFlags to see all the images.


Now instead of responding to users when they retweet your message you favorite the tweet instead. This gives the person who has retweeted you additional exposure on your own profile.

If you’ve got something else to add to help inform our readers, make sure to click the comment button and leave your favorite tip. If you need help updating your Twitter account make sure to check out our Twitter writing services.