12-4-20 The Google and Google Ads Week in Review

There were just a few memorable announcements or developments this week. Below of the ones that I consider of merit for your attention.

Surprise! Google is Rolling Out a Web Core Update in December

This is the third core update rolled out this year by Google. What is of note is that these Core updates are used in the organic search placement formula that Google uses to rank websites.  Google is calling it a “broad Core Update”. Not necessarily good news just before the holidays. More info…

Google My Business Releases a New Dashboard

For do-it-yourselfers, Google My Business may be one of your most important tools to use. Google has announced that they have just released an update to the Dashboard to provide more helpful information about how people interact with your information. More info…

Google Think on Pivot and Pivot Again

Google Think has an interesting article on marketing plans in this age of Covid and suggestions to help market your business during the pandemic. It is all about pivoting to what your prospect consider valuable from you and staying relevant to their needs. More info…

Get More Insights in Google Ads with This New Feature

Google ads just added an Insight button to the left sidebar navigation in Google Ads. Clicking this brand new button let’s you see tailor-made insights for your business and may be of value to identify important trends in your marketplace. It is all about trends, so you can stay on top of what consumers are searching for and reacting with to help you stay relevant.  More info…