12-7-20 The Google and SEO Week in Review

There have been a few important things that have happened this week in the world of Google. Here are a few snippets from interesting articles I have read this week.

Google Expands the Use of Form Extensions in Google Ads

Form extensions are not new in Google Ads, but now Google is expanding their use to share them over differing types of campaigns. Read more…

Yes, the December 2020 Core Update Was Important

We are finding that the core update Google rolled out last week has had a big impact on the search results. Why Google would do an update before the holidays is too strange to understand. Read more…

May 2021 is the Date for the Big Google Page Experience Update.

Google already telling webmasters that the pending algorithm update for the mobile index scheduled for May 2021 will be big. Anytime Google gives this much notice, it means that the update will be “life changing”. In this case the update is all about mobile and uses the Google Search Console Core Web Vitals for the rankings. Of most important note is the speed of your mobile version site. Read more…