An Update on the EU’s GDPR for Privacy

An Update on the EU’s GDPR for Privacy
An Update on the EU’s GDPR for Privacy

Since I last wrote about the privacy updates that are mandated by the EU to cover website traffic on American websites by EU nationals, much has happened.

First, clients who thought that they did not want to update their privacy policy or implement cookie approval for website statistic tracking have changed their minds.

Our team has been very busy updating websites to beef up the transparency of the privacy policy, reveal clearly what is being tracked on websites, offering ways to opt out of tracking, and installing cookie approval scripts on websites.

Several clients have shared their thoughts with us on why the sudden change. Some are listed below.

“I do feel lucky about not getting caught, but also want to be safe.”

“I’ve just had a lawyer call me and I feel like I need immediate action on the privacy updates as I don’t want to end up in court on a new matter.”

“I think it is stupid to do, but I am getting inundated with privacy policy updates from everyone that I do business with, that maybe I do need to do something to my website.”

As for me, my perspective is that it is not expensive or hard to do the implementation to be in compliance with the GDPR. I am risk adverse and feel that eventually the US will institute some controls so we will be ahead of the game by changing our own websites now.

Recipient of the Meritorious Public Service Award

Nancy McCord is a recipient of the Meritorious Public Service Award.
Nancy McCord is a recipient of the Meritorious Public Service Award.

That’s right I am a recipient of the Meritorious Public Service Award. It was designated by Vice Admiral P.M. Balisle, Commander of Naval Sea Systems Command and presented by Rear Admiral Paul V. Shebalin, Deputy Commander for Mobilization for NAVSEA and SPAWAR in 2004.

I received this special award for a website I built for the Engineering Duty Officer’s Reserve group, of which my husband had been a part of at that time. The 500 page website was full of information to help reservists know more about projects, where to stay in Washington when they traveled on duty and a place to share documents.

As the Admiral gave me the medal he also read:

“Your contributions to the command in shaping communications that are focused on the mission, goals and products of NAVSEA and the NRED Community are a credit to your professionalism and skill in software development and web page design. Thank you and congratulations on a job Well Done!”

You can read the full release on this page.

My family is a military family and my husband is now a retired Navy Captain. The military has been good to our family and we continue to benefit from our connection to the military community. We love our country and our military.

I mention my Meritorious Public Service Award to let you know my business model and life are managed to the highest level of personal integrity and honesty. If you are looking for a professional to help you with AdWords or your website, my firm and I, myself, will treat you right. Find out more today about our Internet Marketing Services.