What to Do When You Only Place Organically for Your Business Name – Part Two

Grow Your Local Presence With These Tips
Grow Your Local Presence With These Tips

Continued from Monday as to what to do when you only place on Google and Bing for your business name…

Fourth – Connect with local businesses or your Chamber of Commerce
Sounds like a no-brainer, but Google will value links you get from authoritative local sites  like your Chamber of Commerce and Better Business Bureau heavier than sites that do not have strong local value.

Fifth – Work to build smart links from authoritative sites
If you are in a specific industry, ask if your trade association will allow you to be a monthly guest blogger. The links back to your website from your bio. block at the end of a blog post on an authority site in your industry that just happen to also contain your own location specific keywords are like gold for you. Your association will be glad to get free, well-written content, and you’ll get SEO juice. If you are not a fabulous writer, pay a ghost blogger to write the piece for you that you can do final editing on. It will be well worth the time, money and effort.

Sixth – Get professional help if you need it
If you do not work on your own website, consider getting professional help to assist with these important placement strategies. With competition for clicks in AdWords you can easily ring up a big bill fast, but you’ve got to have Web visibility to bring home the bacon!

If you are in Fredericksburg, Virginia – our hometown to be, as of August 2015, make sure to check out our services for SEO evaluations and a sensible approach to helping you place in local searches.

What to Do When You Only Place Organically for Your Business Name – Part One

Clear Strategy
Get a Clear Strategy on How to Place Organically

If you only place for your own business name, (which is totally not difficult as that is the name plastered all over your website), it is time to get busy!

First – find out what you should be placing on
Do some keyword research. If you are using Google AdWords, the tools found there are a great place to start to see what Google says is popular. Also check out your Google Analytics statistics. If what you see at Analytics is still not what you personally feel you should be placing on, put on your thinking hat. Sit on Google.com for 15 minutes and do a reality check. What would you enter on Google to find what you are selling in your own business and in your own area.

Second – get strategic about the terms you want to own
Don’t go hog wild crazy trying to place on one and two word terms or for that matter forty keyword phrases. Start with two or three phrases that contain three or four words each and preferably that contain a location specific word. If you don’t place now for just about anything but your name, start small. Try first to place on terms with your city name within your placement phrase.

Third – start building out or buying unique content using your selected terms
I like website page creation plus blogging on your on-domain blog to try to build some keyword density in a smart way. Google will penalize you if you try to stuff keywords into the content, so go easy on how many times you use your new keyword phrases and strive to keep your content natural and readable.

Make sure to check back on Wednesday for more tips on what you can do to start placing organically on search terms other than your business name.

If you are a Fredericksburg, Virginia business owner, give me a call at (540) 693-0385 to set up a free teleconference to discuss ways we can help your business place better for local Fredericksburg searches today.

Twitter Analytics Can Help Unlock Keys to Your Success

Screen shot of Twitter's new analytics tool.
Screen shot of Twitter’s new analytics tool.

Twitter has a new tool and if you have not checked it out yet, I would strongly encourage you to do so.  It is called Twitter Analytics. This new tool allows you to dig into who is following you and what is happening in regards to interaction with your tweets.

Twitter Analytics, accessed from http://ads.twitter.com, can give you additional insights that are valuable for changing or enhancing what you write about and who you would want to follow and connect with. You can view information on tweet interaction and even follower demographics.

Here are just a few tidbits that you can find out about your Twitter audience using my own audience data as an example.

1. 81% of my followers are men.

2. 81% of my followers are interested in marketing tips.

3. 58% of my followers are interested in SEO.

4. 44% of my followers also follow @DrJeffersnBoggs.

5. 4% of my followers are in New York City, 4% in Washington DC,  and 4% are in LA.

Just this information alone will help me to tailor better updates for my followers and work harder to engage them. Twitter Analytics is free for now.

If you need help getting started with Twitter of need writing for your Twitter profile, I invite you to find out more about our Twitter writing services today.

Why You May Want to Consider Using Tumblr

Screen shot of my Tumblr page.
Follow me as “Just Nancy” on Tumblr.

When I drive a long distance with my high school senior kids in the car, it gives me time to ask what is trending and is hot with their friends. I’ve found that what happens with their generation is a very good indicator as to where businesses should be looking to build for the future. Temper that with a review with my older kid who is 25 and I get a great viewpoint of how businesses should be embracing certain new technologies and avoiding other ones that may be becoming passé.

In my most recent drive Tumblr came up several times with my kids, so I checked it out. You can view my own Tumblr page here at http://nancymccord.tumblr.com/. I call mine “Just Nancy” as it is a place for now for me to share just about anything.

This is what I have found using Tumblr and why you may want to consider using it.

1. It is actually incredibly simple to set up and actually fun to use.

2. It has a very nice smartphone integration that allows you to post photos, quick quotes, and just about anything on the go.

3. The desktop interface is cool, user-intuitive, and the smartphone app simple.

4. I love the ability to add multi-media and text simply.

5. It feels like there will be a more visual and different demographic on this platform and so may be a more energized platform than a blog for a business.

6. From my own initial testing to me this seems like this may be the place where you can merge all your online enterprises into one cohesive message.

It remains to be seen how I will use Tumblr for business, but for now, I am having plenty of fun checking it out.